The holidays will look very different for many of us this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and interact with one another. For many older adults, this can mean a loss of social connections that, if left unaddressed, can have serious negative mental and physical health consequences.
This is why IAAAA is spreading the word about Home for the Holidays, a national campaign led by the Eldercare Locator and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), this year in partnership with the University of California, San Diego Center for Healthy Aging.
Launched every year during the holiday season, Home for the Holidays is intended to help families and friends discuss difficult topics with their loved ones. A new consumer brochure is the focus of this year’s campaign, Staying Connected and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources for Older Adults and Caregivers, which highlights the importance of social connection, its impact on our physical and mental health—and ways the Aging Network can help older adults connect to their communities during this time of limited in-person social interactions. Indiana’s Area Agencies on Aging can inform and connect you and your loved ones to programs that provide a variety of ways to stay connected to others in their communities. This is all part of their mission to help older adults maintain existing and develop new social connections to reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Call 800.986.3505 or click to be connected to the Indiana AAA that serves your area. (For services outside of Indiana, visit or call the Eldercare Locator at 800.677.1116.)