If you have great ideas or concerns about how we help older Hoosiers and persons with disabilities remain independent and achieve the best quality of life possible, then the Indiana Division of Aging needs your help!

No matter where you live in Indiana, you can make application to join the Indiana Commission on Aging. The purpose of the Commission is to:

  • encourage research, study and discussion of the current problems of aging an aged,
  • disseminate information relating to such problems and proposed solutions,
  • explore opportunities for partnership with other institutions of aging and aged,
  • conduct educational programs throughout the state,
  • cooperate with any Commission or other body which may be set up by the county, state, or federal government for the study of the problems of the aging or aged, and
  • assist the Indiana Division of Aging in the development of a comprehensive plan to meet the needs of the aged.

The Commission on Aging typically meets six times a year in Indianapolis at the Indiana Government Center. Commission members receive reimbursement for travel expenses and a per diem established by the Indiana Department of Administration.

If you are interested in serving on the Commission, send an email of interest to DAComments@fssa.in.gov. An Indiana Division of Aging staff member will contact you and walk you through the application process.

There are currently seven vacancies, five connected with Indiana Congressional districts and two at-large. Vacancies are in the following areas:

  • Congressional District 1
  • Congressional District 3
  • Congressional District 4
  • Congressional District 6
  • Congressional District 9
  • At Large
  • At Large